The Registrar
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
GPO Box 2975
Melbourne, VIC 3001
The Integral Diagnostics’ share register is managed by Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd.
Shareholders can access a number of services provided by Computershare online at Investor Centre.
The online service can be used to:
If you are not able to access the information you require online, please contact Computershare via the alternate methods given below.
When accessing information online or phoning Computershare, please have your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN), as shown on your Issuer Sponsored/CHESS statements, at hand.
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
GPO Box 2975
Melbourne, VIC 3001
Within Australia: 1300 850 505
Outside Australia: 03 9415 4000
How can I buy Integral Diagnostics Limited shares and keep track of the share price?
Integral Diagnostics Limited shares may be purchased on the stockmarket through a stockbroker and trade on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the code: IDX. For more information on stockbrokers visit the Australian Securities Exchange website at The Integral Diagnostics share price may be checked daily via the ASX website, the Integral Diagnostics website and newspapers.
How many shares do I hold in Integral Diagnostics Limited?
You can access details of your shareholding in Integral Diagnostics by accessing Computershare online at: Investor Centre. Log in to view your shares and or portfolio or register online to setup a free portfolio if you desire, or click on Single Holding and have your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) and postcode at hand to complete the log in.
You can view Holding Statements, Transaction Histories, and Dividend Statements
How do I change my address?
How you update your address details depends on your individual circumstances. If you have a CHESS sponsored holding (prefixed with an ‘X’) you must change your address through your broker.
If you have an Issuer Sponsored Holding (prefixed with an ‘I’) then you can update your address details for Individual, Joint and Company holdings by logging in to your portfolio via Investor Centre and selecting Update Address under the Communications section. This change can be applied to one or multiple holdings.
[For security reasons if a holding is valued at greater than $50,000 or relates to a deceased estate then you will not be able to update this online and you will need to download a Change of Address Form from the Forms section.
If you are using the ‘Single Holding’ login then you will only be able to update your address details if you have an ‘Individual’ holding valued less than $50,000.]
Do I need to advise the share registry if I have changed my name?
Yes. If you are a CHESS sponsored investor, you must change your name via your broker. If you are an issuer sponsored investor, you can change your name by going to Investor Centre and completing a Change of Name Request via the Printable Forms section.
Please note that the share registry is unable to accept requests by facsimile, email or phone.
The completed form should be completed and signed correctly and accompanied by relevant supporting documentation. If you are signing under a power of attorney, a certified copy of the original power of attorney must be lodged with the Share registrar for noting (if not already noted).
Supporting documentation requirements differ, depending on the reason for the change of name;
• Change of name by marriage – we require a certified copy of your marriage certificate;
• Change to maiden name – if you wish to revert to your maiden name, we require a certified copy of your marriage certificate;
• Change of name by Deed Poll – we require a certified copy of the deed poll;
• Change of Company Name – we require a certified copy of the Certificate of Registration of Change of Name
What other online services are available?
You can keep your shareholder details up to date in a quick, efficient and secure manner by logging onto Investor Centre where the following information is available:
• Add/amend your Dividend Payment Instructions
• Elect to participate in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan
• Register to receive your shareholder documentation online
• Add/amend your Tax File Number
Alternatively, click on the Printable Forms Tab on the Investor Centre homepage and print, complete and send the required form to Computershare.
Can I merge my multiple Integral Diagnostics shareholdings?
If both holdings are issuer sponsored and the names, addresses and banking instructions are identical, the duplicate holdings can be amalgamated. Simply go to Investor Centre, select the Printable Forms tab and locate the Request to Consolidate Holdings form. You can complete an online version of the Merge Multiple Holdings form and submit online for review.
Alternatively, this option is available by writing to Computershare quoting your SRNs and requesting that the registry amalgamate the holdings. Please nominate the SRN you wish to retain.
The names and addresses of the two holdings must be identical before Computershare can amalgamate your holdings. You can compare and amend most of these details online.
If one or both of your holdings is CHESS sponsored, you will need to contact your broker to arrange for the amalgamation.
Head Office
Wurundjeri Country
Suite 9.02 Level 9
45 William Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000